Community Loaves


Community Loaves started in 2011 here in Jacksonville as an organic bike-delivered subscription bakery. Sarah, one of the founders, and Meredith, the other half of the baking duo, met in the fall of 2012 when Meredith moved home to Jacksonville. Sarah was looking for a new baking partner and Meredith had just completed an apprenticeship at an organic sourdough bakery in England. Fate! We now bake all organic, sourdough bread, handmade pastries, coffee, breakfast and lunch at the Big Green House on the corner of Edgewood Ave S and Trask St in Murray Hill. About the bread: Sourdough is a process of baking bread without the use of commercial yeast. Instead, naturally occurring yeast and lacto-bacteria are captured and kept alive in a "sourdough starter." In combination with a long fermentation time, these methods create a healthier, more traditional (and more delicious!) bread. Sourdough bread, in comparison with conventional "yeasted" bread has a lower glycemic index, more available nutrients, stays fresher for longer, breaks down more gluten, and pre-digests starches, making it easier on our digestive system. All of our bread is made with organic ingredients and hearth-baked. Don't take our word for it, try it! Tips on Bread Storage: Get a bread box! But short of that you can just loosely tie a plastic bag (one of those grocery store bags everyone has a few of in the house) and leave your bread on the counter. This prevents your loaf from drying out, while also allowing a little but of air in to help prevent mold.

My business follows a policy of non-discrimination that includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


1116 Edgewood Ave S,
Jacksonville, FL 32205
United States

30.3097125, -81.7156114


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