Figure 8 Studio is a commercial and advertising photography studio based out of Jacksonville, Florida. Amy Ploss-Samson is the face and talent behind the company. Since graduating from Savannah College of Art & Design with a BFA in Photography, Amy has gained over 10 years of experience working in the commercial and advertising industry. During this time she had the distinguished privilege of mentoring under Paul Figura, northeast Florida’s foremost commercial and advertising photographer. While working with Paul, Amy was able to work with a wide variety of companies and agencies from across the country. At the same time, what began as an employer-employee relationship soon blossomed into a great friendship and partnership. Tragically, in February of 2014, Paul unexpectedly passed away. Although no longer there to click the shutter, Paul’s legacy lives on. It was out of this legacy that a new company was borne. With all of the knowledge and skills that the company's namesake bestowed on her, Amy started Figure 8 Studio - A photography studio dedicated to always providing the highest quality imagery and services, while continuing to test the limits of her and her clients’ comfort zones, pushing herself to see the world and its most minute details in interesting, beautiful ways, and above all else… having fun doing it. Welcome to Figure 8 Studio.
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Square Mug Cafe

Brittany Hoffman, Health Insurance Broker

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