Since 1974 our family owned and operated insurance agency has be committed to protecting our clients from the unexpected events in life. We offer property and casualty insurance to protect what's important to you, from your home to your business and everything in between. We believe in educating our clients about how coverage works so that you don't have any surprises when the need to file a claim comes up.
We know the no one likes to pay for insurance, but when you have a situation that arises and need to file a claim, we are proud that we can provide you the peace of mind of knowing that you have proper coverage. While we want to help you find the best rates, we believe it's more important that we provide with comprehensive protection and you are informed when you make a decision regarding your insurance needs.
Our friendly staff is highly trained and happy to answer all of your questions. We are proud members of the Pride Chamber and Cathy has served on the board for several years. Call us today and experience the J Meyers difference.
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