If you’re in the market to sell or buy a home, please don’t hesitate to contact the David Rodriguez Team. We are a team of top-notch licensed real estate agents, with 20+ years of combined experience, who are here to assist our clients with the following services: 1) Listing your home, 2) New construction sales, 3) Residential sales and 4) a worldwide realtor referral network for your family and friends, anywhere in the world, who are in need of a top-notch realtor. For more information, please visit our website at www.davidrodriguezhomes.com or you can contact me at (407) 951-2558 or via email at davidrodriguezhomes@aol.com. Thank you for your consideration!!! Servicing the Greater Orlando area: Orlando, Windermere, Winter Garden, Ocoee, Clermont, Oakland, Kissimmee and much more!!!
2500 W. Lake Mary Blvd, Suite 220
Lake Mary, FL 32746
United States
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