St. Stephen Lutheran Church


St. Stephen has been a part of the Reconciling in Christ Community since 1999. We believe out loud that God creates us whole and perfect in God's image. Diversity is a blessing and love is unconditional.

My business follows a policy of non-discrimination that includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


2198 N. Meridian Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32308
United States

COVID-19 Information

The people of this congregation remain united and diligent in these trying times of self-quarantine. Since March 22, we have not held public worship. Like most other churches, we believe that the risk is too great and the health of God’s people too important for large gatherings. Instead, St. Stephen offers online live worship services, streaming live at 10 a.m. Sundays via Facebook Live. This link will allow you direct access to the service:

You are bathed in the Light of Christ and sanctified – blessedly protected – by the Holy Spirit.

30.4721302, -84.2777921


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