Our experts at KGE Services use high-pressure washing to clean and restore your property. The high-pressure stream easily loosens and removes dirt and debris from sidewalks, driveways, patios, decks, fences, and more. We also offer concrete cleaning and roof cleaning services for beautiful and healthy exterior surfaces. Schedule your appointment today for window washing in Fort Lauderdale. When we are finished your property will be the cleanest it’s been in a long while. Call us directly or fill out our contact form so we know you’re interested. Once we know what services you’re interested in we’ll give you a free, no-obligation estimate. To extend the life of your windows, the KGE services offered include monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, and annual window washing. So for the best window cleaning service in Broward County, give us a call! Make window cleaning a regular part of your home care routine. Who can’t help but be happy about that? And it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
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