Kristen R. Weick is an Independent Ordained Licensed Minister for the Universal Life Church Monastery* (non-denominational). Collaborative Ceremonies are marriages and commitment ceremonies created together with the Officiant in which all parties are happy with the ceremony and vows. Kristen can legally officiate heterosexual wedding ceremonies in the United States and would also be pleased to officiate same-sex marriages in states where they are legally permitted (now including Florida!). She can also perform your commitment ceremony (a non-legal ceremony) in any state or country. Although she is based in Orlando Florida, she is willing and able to travel to officiate ceremonies. Kristen also welcomes vow renewal ceremonies and elopement. While not capable of performing a ceremony for any specific religion, Kristen is adept at making sure ceremonies and vows are crafted so that your special moment is tailored to fit the individuals in the partnership. Kristen will be receiving her Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in May 2015, so even though couples counseling is not part of her officiating services, the skills she has learned as a counselor-in-training can help couples collaboratively and enthusiastically design their ceremony and vows. Kristen believes that any loving couple should be able to be married, or commit their love to each other. She has a very open mind, so she welcomes gay and lesbian couples, opposite-sex couples, polyamorous partnerships, and other non-traditional partnerships. Again, for many of these types of couples, or for marriages in other countries, she may be limited to performing a commitment ceremony, but that does not mean she will put any less effort into your special day. When officiating, Kristen will add a tone of professionalism, importance, and love to her delivery of the chosen words to be spoken at your ceremony. Kristen can help you create both traditional and non-traditional ceremonies. She has also worked with couples of differing faiths, or those with no particular religious or spiritual leaning. Kristen is an advocate and ally for those persons who do not have equal rights in this country and firmly believes in the promise to all US citizens that they have access to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Let’s work together to make your ceremony just right for you!
*The Universal Life Church has only two tenets: To promote freedom of religion, and to do that which is right.
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