Pain in your knees can be caused by several things, from an injury to the kneecap to aging and other factors. Pain can be debilitating, making it difficult for you to get through your day. However, using Gainesville regenerative medicine can quickly provide you with the pain relief you require while helping the body restore itself. There are many reasons why people experience knee pain. You may have sprained your knees or developed arthritis pain from life's wear and tear. Or, you may have been involved in an accident and suffered a fracture, tendon, or muscle injury. Regardless of the cause of your pain, our doctors at our clinic for Gainesville Regenerative Medicine can help with a full range of procedures to improve your knee and relieve pain. When people experience pain in their knees, it is usually due to misalignment or damage in the body. This could be the result of injury, disease, or age. When you get biological therapy from QC Kinetix (Gainesville), you will overcome joint pain.
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