
We are an Insurance Agency that focuses on value with reputable companies, and coverages that fit our client's needs & wants. We shop with every available carrier in FL, to ensure we find & present the best options. We are a boutique Agency with approximately 50% of our customers from the LGBTQ+ community. We feel it is important to take the time to get to know our customer's situations, as we have a good hand on which insurance companies offer same-sex couples the same benefits as their "straight" counterparts, as well as which companies participate in equality measures. We are members of our local SWFL Harmony Chamber of Commerce, and GSN (Gay Social Network). We support other LGBTQ+ businesses, and do our best to participate & be seen as an LGBTQ+ business.

My business follows a policy of non-discrimination that includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


United States

26.5047896, -81.8566524


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