The Current Agency


Current is a digital and creative agency comprised of innovators, collaborators, and creative minds driven to energize our clients through digital and creative solutions to build their businesses and communities. At Current, we believe in "turning on"​ our clients with our out-of-the-box approach to each project and by staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and creating new ones.

We believe in building deep, long-lasting client relationships and celebrating diversity of background, culture, experience, and thought.

Our success comes from great teamwork and exceptional individual effort, so we strive to challenge our staff and interns, regardless of their degrees, work experience, or skills, into creative and seasoned marketing professionals though hands-on training, patience and lots of cupcakes!

As a digital and creative agency, we value:

Collaboration - Whether a top-level executive or an intern, our whole team works together with our clients to achieve the best possible outcome on every single project.

Humility - We are thankful to be a part of several communities. It is our obligation to give back to continue its growth.

Family - We look at our clients, staff, and interns as one big family coming together to help each other meet their goals.

My business follows a policy of non-discrimination that includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


3707 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32311
United States

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