Healthy Choice Wellness IV Drip Therapy


Healthy Choice Wellness is your first choice for premium IV drip therapy treatments in Fort Lauderdale, FL. We are centrally located in the beautiful Casbah Spa & Salon on the Ft. Lauderdale intracoastal. Our services include the Myer’s Cocktail IV therapy, NAD+ Premium IV drip, Glutathione IV drip and Vitamin B12 shot for an added measure of energy and wellness. Our IV drips are designed to boost your metabolism, strengthen your immune system and assist in overall health and healing of the body and mind. We offer in-house treatments as well as concierge IV drip therapy services where we come to your home (please call 954-630-0633 to book concierge IV at home services). We look forward to dripping with you!

My business follows a policy of non-discrimination that includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


Suite 200
1000 Seminole Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
United States

26.1385204, -80.1100305


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